What is the Learn Adventurously Newsletter

Howdy biologist extra-ordinaires!

Dillon here.

Over the past few emails, I’ve been describing all that Learn Adventurously does. In-person events that encourage adventurous learning, the creation of donation supported resources in our library, or our ever expanding offering of courses. You can read those past emails in our archive, but I want to get meta for a second.

What is this newsletter?

This newsletter is the most recent undertaking of Learn Adventurously. In fact, it technically doesn’t even have a name beyond “The Learn Adventurously Newsletter”. Let me know if you have any ideas!

My goal is to provide practical value in a concise weekly email. I center the newsletter on my career or on Learn Adventurously, but each week I hope to provide insights, news, and updates that are directly relevant to you.
I focus the majority of the content on a single topic that I break down in simple terms. For example, I covered how color evolved in aposematic organismshow to detect neo and paleo endemism, or how to obscure geotags for conservation.  This newsletter is for biologists, written by a biologist.

I want to be upfront that I do promote Learn Adventurously in this emails.  I genuinely believe the educational resources I create are helpful for biologists, nature nerds, and the naturalist inclined to better understand the world around us. I keep the ads short and place the bulk of the information at the end of the email.

This newsletter is 100% free, and you do not need to purchase anything to get access 🙂
And we will get back to the nature focused emails very soon! Since going full time, I wanted to spend these first emails reconnecting with you and laying out everything about Learn Adventurously up until now.

In the next email, I’m diving into the future of Learn Adventurously, why our address is now in North Carolina, and what all this work has been going towards.

I’ll leave you with a hint though. It involves this map:

Talk soon,

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