
Fundamental Biostatistics Webinar Recap

In today’s scientific landscape, the ability to understand and interpret data has never been more crucial. That’s where biostatistics comes into play. Led by Dillon Jones, biologist, educator, and founder of Learn Adventurously. This “Fundamental Biostatistics” webinar serves as a primer for those stepping into the intricate world of biostatistics. We will use a simulated dataset based on real research. This way we will learn statistics that can be directly applied to biological studies.

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Understanding Phylogenetic Endemism: Cradles and Museums of Biodiversity

Endemism describes a pattern when a taxa is geographically isolated. However, in recent years more focus has been given to studying how Phylogenetic diversity is isolated, otherwise known as phylogenetic endemism. This webinar covers the basic theory of phylogenetic endemism, details how this method is used to detect cradles and museums of biodiversity, and cover the software/tools you can use to study this concept yourself!

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Obscuring Geotags for Conservation: Best Practices for Threatened Species and Habitats

Geographic tags are a cornerstone of biological research and are more accessible than ever through resources like iNaturalist, GBIF, and social media. However, conservation concerns surrounding poaching, habitat overuse, and safe access are ever present in the nature space. This webinar provides an overview of the issues, covers best practices for obscuring geographic information, and details how apps like iNaturalist are protecting threatened taxa.

Obscuring Geotags for Conservation: Best Practices for Threatened Species and Habitats Read More »

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