Name Your Price Added for All Resources

Howdy Biologists! Dillon here.

While browsing our resources you may notice a “Name your Price” box. This post will briefly explain Name Your Price and why I am implementing it on this site.

TL;DR: Resources are still free, with an optional contribution

You can see an example of a Name Your Price here on the Fundamentals of R for Biologists eBook page

All I need is your email (to send you the material). The name your price field is completely optional. If you add in any amount, prompts will display asking if you want to pay via paypal or credit card. The suggested price for most resources is $9.

If you want to download the resource for free, keep the price $0 and you can proceed with the download.

I intend to keep the vast majority of resources available for free here on Learn Adventurously. However, the reality is that these resources are not free for me. It costs money to maintain the website, create these resources, and send them out. Name Your Price allows me to keep these resources “free”, while still recouping my costs and supporting myself financially.

Alternatively, consider supporting me on Patreon for a fixed monthly cost and get access to exclusive content ahead of anyone else.



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